You are what you eat...
Here are some interesting facts for you to swallow...
Bottled water - everyone associates bottled water with health
and fitness. The bottled water industry has become a billion dollar
industry and by 2003 30 billion gallons of bottled water were
consumed and sales rose to over $35
billion dollars and yet approximately 40 percent of all bottled
water sold in North America is nothing more than municipal tap
water that has been run through filters and treated with minerals.
Bottled water in Canada and the USA is subject to far less rigorous
testing than tap water and safety testing of bottled water is
seldom required. Inspection of US bottling plants is only done
approximately every 5-6 years and approximately every 3 years
in Canada.
Water is an extremely important element of weight loss, it's true you need to drink eight glasses of water a day. So now what?...
The answer is a reverse osmosis system for your home. The reverse osmosis process is best known for removing salt from sea water to get fresh water however this system of purification can also be used in your home to improve the the quality of drinking and cooking water.