Foods That Burn Fat
Fat Burning Heart Rate
Fat Burning Exercises
Body Fat Analyzer
Apple Cider Vinegar
Benefits of Juicing
Stretch Marks
Body Cleansing


Raw Food Diet
Hoodia Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet
Fasting Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Green Tea Diet
Lemonade Diet

The Advantages of Liver Cleansing

We need our liver to function optimally to be healthy. The liver is the largest gland in our body, and occupies the right side of the upper abdomen under the diaphragm. Without our livers, we will not be able to detoxify the food and drinks that we take in. By detoxification, we mean processing the food into its simpler forms like sugar, protein and carbohydrate, for our body to metabolize it. The liver sort of acts like a “factory”, which processes the food we take in to make it into a detoxified form so that the body can digest and distribute it to its cells. The liver also produces bile needed for digestion. Bile helps us in dissolving fats. The liver is indeed a necessary organ to help us stay healthy and active. The liver also detoxifies drugs and medicines we take in. We need the liver to process these drugs for us to benefit from them therapeutically.



We need to keep our livers healthy. We also need to know how to take care of them so they do not fail, and cause us to become sick. Taking in food that have a high fat content is especially dangerous to the liver. This can cause an imbalance between bile production and fat so we have to avoid increased intake of fat-rich food. We also have to remember that we need to lessen our intake of alcohol. Alcohol severely damages the liver cells, and livers cells themselves have no chance of regenerating. This causes fibrous tissues to deposit into the damaged liver cells and may lead to cirrhosis, a condition that is brought about by alcohol intake. We also need to remember that we have to be protected from certain viruses that can cause an inflammation of the liver, called hepatitis. This is a dangerous condition, since it severely damages the liver and renders it incapable of functioning optimally. Taking in fresh, organic food will help us cleanse our livers. Apple juice is especially effective, since pectin is found in apple juice, a substance that is found to help soften stone formation.


We need to take care of our liver. Changing our lifestyles to one that promotes healthy living is the best way for the liver cleansing we need.




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