Foods That Burn Fat
Fat Burning Heart Rate
Fat Burning Exercises
Body Fat Analyzer
Apple Cider Vinegar
Benefits of Juicing
Stretch Marks
Body Cleansing


Raw Food Diet
Hoodia Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet
Fasting Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Green Tea Diet
Lemonade Diet

Wrinkles - Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

The skin is the largest organ on the body. It protects the more delicate body parts from damage and is the essential barrier between the body and the environment. However, even though the entire body depends upon the skin from protecting it from germs, bacteria, and infection the skin is not without its own share of vulnerabilities. As the body ages, skin begins to lose its elasticity and show signs of maturity. Fortunately, these effects vary rarely contribute to health concerns, yet they rob people of their youthful beauty and are very troublesome to one’s appearance and self esteem.


Wrinkles and sagginess is often the first sign of aging that appear on the skin. Followed by drying and liver spots. There are certain factors that may determine how likely you are to develop wrinkles and it is recommended that you take these into consideration to possibly reduce the likelihood or severity of developing them.


First, the most important step that you can take to prevent wrinkles is to avoid sun damage to your skin. The best way to do this is to use a sunblock to prevent sun damage due to ultra violet rays. People with fair skin are easily prone to sun burning, which can lead to premature aging as well as skin cancer. It is imperative that people with fair skin use sun protection when ever in the sun.

Another contributing factor that leads to wrinkles is smoking. Smoking robs the body of Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, and the lack of this essential Vitamin, combined with the effects of smoking leads to premature aging and wrinkling around the mouth. It is advisable to give up smoking, or to never pick up this terrible habit as it is not only a major cause of wrinkles and premature aging, but it is devastating to every aspect of your health.


Many people mistakenly believe that using tanning booths are safer than tanning in the sun, however this is not the case. People who frequently tan in tanning booths are exposing themselves to harmful UV rays and will suffer the same effects as those who choose to tan in the outdoor sun. Premature aging and wrinkling are a few of the side effects commonly experienced by those who use tanning salons.


Though these are a few steps that you can take to prevent wrinkles, many people find that they are genetically predispositioned for developing them. In short, it runs in the family. Some families simply wrinkle more than others and for these people surgery, Botox, and facial procedures such as Microdermabrasion may be the only solution.


Topical solutions may offer limited benefit for the treatment of wrinkles. These include:


· Vitamin A Treatments such as Retin-A
· Alpha Hydroxy Acids such as Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid
· Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Beta Carotene


More invasive procedures include:

· Chemical Peels such as Glycolic Acid peels and Salicylic Acid Peels
· Micro Dermabrasion and Dermabrasion
· Laser Resurfacing
· Botox Injections
· Face Lift


The best method for the treatment of wrinkles is prevention, however if you are genetically inclined to develop wrinkles and are looking for a more permanent solutions, it is best to speak with your health care provider, dermatologist, or cosmetic surgeon to discuss your options.



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